Pembroke Hill Baseball

Practice 16: March 27, 2025

KCMO 3&2 – Diamond 5, Conditioning Field, & Batting Cages

Objective: to continue preparing and reviewing for Friday’s home opener

IF’s (10): Berning, Chiu, Falk, Goldman, Kobolt, Sanjanwala, Sotta, von Uckermann, Weber, Wetzel

OF’s (6): Jaffe, Passan, Seaton, Sitzer, Smith, Soulis

Catchers (4): Washington, (Berning, Kobolt, Sotta)

Pitchers (15): Berning (IF), Chiu (IF), Falk (OF), Goldman (IF), Jaffe (OF), Jerman (IF - PO), Kobolt (IF), Passan (IF), Sanjanwala (IF), Seaton (OF), Sitzer (OF), Smith (IF/OF), Sotta (IF), Soulis (OF), Weber (IF)

Absent: N/A       Injured: Sanjanwala, Chiu

Thursday Pens (3/27): Goldman, Sanjanwala?, Falk

Early Work:

·       Infielders - Wall ball: Barreca; Catchers (Washington, Sotta – tag plays) – Fundamentals: Jeff

·       Pitchers throwing bullpens (Sitzer, Weber) go through stretching routine

4:00 - 4:10: Announcements/Rule of the Day/Sign Language = Breathe

·       Rule of the Day: Sign review; appeal play – how will we do it?

·       Pitchers (Goldman and Falk) with Coach Hector throwing pens

·       Reminders: uniforms; JV suit-up squad; after-game help to prepare for Saturday’s game

4:10 - 4:20: Stretching, band work on conditioning field; 2 groups (Barreca and Leone)

·       Arms: Touchdown w/ arms; Arm Circles; Chest w/ arms pushing and pulling; band work – Interior/exterior shoulder; Y-T-W’s; Superman with hands cross; throwing motion (Leone)

·       Legs: Dominican program – Chicken Walks, Chicken Hops, Chicken Dance, Chicken Slides, Elbow to Ankle, Standing Broad Jumps, Karaokes, Sprints, Slides (Barreca)

·       Handstands – Walk on hands

4:20 – 4:30: Team Catch (Diskin)

·       Flips; rhythm; chest; rhythm load with heel to sky follow through; 1 shuffle; 2 shuffles (150’)

4:30 – 4:45: IF-OF pop-up priorities

4:45 - 5:00: Rundowns

5:00 – 5:45:

·       4, 10-minute hitting stations

o   Cage 1 = live arm (Leone)

o   Cage 2 = Jr. Hack Attack pitching from ground level (Garcia)

o   Iron Mike Bunting (Barreca)

o   On-field pick-offs and snap throws (Diskin & Joe)

5:45 - 6:15: Clean up:

·       Dbl check visitors dugout, pen, bleachers; all trash cans have liners in them; concession stand area clean (Leone)

·       Cage areas clean – dbl check cages behind LF fence to ensure that everything is in order for Saturday (Barreca)

·       Field Maintenance (Diskin) – drag around edge of field; BP tarp away; cover home plate and pitcher’s mound

o   Dad drag field

o   Possibly chalk field?

o   Sitzer line conditioning field

·       Inside Organization

o   Ensure that front and back rooms are swept

o   All clothes are accounted for – nothing left out

o   Water thrown out and ice put away

o   Cover equipment and balls